2016년 10월 14일 금요일

Our portable water purifying tumbler's most strong point is filter.

Our portable water purifying tumbler's most strong point is filter.

100% coconut carbon file enables us to drink water safely in harsh environment.
Carbon charcoal is compressed to 10 mm thick, no other man-made chemical factors. And it remove over 3 micron particle, and clean 800 ml per minute (1 micron = 1/1000 mm).
And Chlorine in tap water is removed up to 99%.

To see our wonderful products, please come to Korea expo 2016 in Dubai.

댓글 1개:

  1. Hey cleanwatermaker!!! Nice post, I appreciate your article have a look our business, UltraTec® water filters UAE providing water filtration systems, water purifier Dubai turning your contaminated tap water into healthy purified, alkaline, mineral and distilled water.
